Thanks to Our Supporters

Your dedication to children and classical music make our programs a success.

Thank you. We could not have done it without you!

Major Foundation Gifts ($10,000 and above)

The NIB Foundation
Sage Foundation

Foundation Gifts ($100-$10,000)

The Medvin Family Foundation
The Illinois Arts Council

Individual Supporters (at all levels)

Victor & Noel Muenzer
Lisa & Paul Wiggin
John & Jennifer Beard
John Alberts
Chris King
Dorothy Mayer
Marc and Arla Silverstein
Marty Foy
John Thomas and Nancy Frank Thomas
Maxx and Mindi Kanzler

We would like to thanks the following for their generous donation of services:

Sonnenschein, Nath, and Rosenthal
Victor Muenzer
Duane Nelsen
Marty Stiffler

A special thanks to Stephanie Perlmutter and Carol Fox.

Our gratitude also to Courtland and Mary Hickey at Chicago Costumes